Frequently Asked Questions

How does an antimicrobial coating work?

Antimicrobial coatings use chemicals to hinder the growth of pathogens through cellular membrane perturbation. In layman terms, an antimicrobial coating is an application of a chemical agent on a surface that can stop the growth of disease-causing micro-organisms

As a business owner why should I apply these coatings to my premises?

By combining Nordic Chem Antimicrobial coating with regular cleaning and disinfecting, a premise can be sure it is implementing the highest standard of surface defence against harmful microbes

Has testing been done on these products?

Yes, there are several tests done on the active ingredients by independent laboratories. We can provide these on request.

How can these coatings be removed?

Our coating will not be removed by normal cleaning or disinfectants, it can only be removed with abrasion.

Do these coatings leave behind a residue?

No, both our antimicrobial coating and surface enhancer provide its users with an invisible shield of protection that is undetectable to the naked eye.

How much surface area can I protect from a bottle of Nordic Chem?

This will depend on the size of the bottle, the application method used and the porosity of the substrate. Generally you could expect 25ml would cover 1 sqm of surface area. So for example a 250ml bottle would cover 10sqm of countertops, glass, etc. However if you were to use it on fabrics or carpet you could expect 250ml would cover approximately 4-5 sqm.

Is the product approved for use in Australia?

Yes, we are registered with the Theraputic Goods of Australia (TGA) and are ARTG certified. A copy of our certificate can be provided on request

What is the preferred application method?

Nordic Chem can be applied using a variety of different application devices. However we advise for larger areas the a battery powered nap-sack or for small areas our Power-mister is a great tool to have

How long does it take for the coating to cure?

After a few minutes the coating will be dry to the touch, however, we recommend you allow it 2 hours for the coating to completely bond to the surface it has been applied to.

Is this process a replacement to regular cleaning and disinfecting?

No, this is an additional level of protection that does not only eliminate harmful microorganisms on application but continues to eliminate them all day every day.

However by adding this process to your regular cleaning regime can actually  lower the costs of cleaning because you wont need to clean as often as well as protecting your textiles from the over use of harsh chemicals.

What environments can this coating be applied to?

Our antimicrobial coating is a universal coating, meaning it is suited for all kinds of industries and environments, including: indoor and outdoor environments.

Are there other long term coating solutions for eliminating bacterias and viruses?

The only other technology that is currently available for long term surface protection are coatings that are terminating the pathogens by infecting the microorganism with a chemical agent such as silve, copper or zinc. Nordic Chem has chosen to utilize its technology as it is highly effective without leaching chemicals into the environment once the coating has cured.

What is the difference between Nordic Chem Antimicrobial Coating and a standard disinfectant?

The major difference is this product does not evaporate after being applied, the coating bonds to the surface it has been applied to for 90 days.

What can Nordic Chem be applied to?

Our coating will adhere to a wide variety of surfaces including metals, plastics, ceramic, carpet, timber, and upholstery. Nordic Chem antimicrobial is colourless and odourless by nature, therefore it does not stain fabric materials.

Is Nordic Chem a chemical killing process?

No, the technology that our coating uses is a mechanical kill, creating a very thin layer of “nano-spikes” that penetrate the virus/bacteria that comes in contact with the coating, destroying the cell.

What does Nordic Chem Antimicrobial Coating protect against?

Our coating protects your surfaces from a range of viruses, bacteria, mold, algaes and odors. Also, the coating acts as a sacrificial layer of protection for the surface itself, protecting against micro-scratches and general wear and tear.

How long does Nordic Chem last for once applied?

Our antimicrobial coating has proven to be active at 90 days after being applied on the surface.


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